About Us
E-Engineer R&D Engineering Consulting
E-Engineer Computer Simulations is Innovative Engineering R&D Consulting, highly specialised in Virtual Prototyping, as a future of high technology engineering in end-to-end Product&Service Development.
E-engineer was established in 2010 as innovative engineering design office, based on up to date computer-aided technology (CAE), expert knowledge and experience and team of proffesionals. We operate in all areas of industry supporting by our knowledge, experience and technological base customers at each R&D level of products and/or services.
Main areas of competence of e-engineer in engineering design & optimisation:
- OIL and GAS
Process plant design&optimisation (LNG, CNG, H2), Process and Power Piping, Heat Exchangers, Pressure Vessels, Cryogenic Vessels, Power Boilers - MARINE and OFFSHORE
Structural Global and Local Strenght FEA Analisys, Drop Tests, Pipipng, Scrubbers FEA and CFD, LNG Bunkering Lines&Stations, Heat Transfer, Conversions, Vibrations, NVH - PROCESS and MACHINERY
Mixers, Chemical Reactors, Heat Exchangers, Mills, Crushers, Coating Machines, Dryers - TRANSPORT
Rail Industry, Automotive Industry, Intermodal Solutions (Road, Rail, Sea), Structural Strenght FEA Analisys Statics and Dynamics, Crash Test, Body in White, Aerodynamics, HVAC, Multi Body Dynamics - MINING
SAG and Ball Mills, Crushers, Belt Conveyers, Chutes, Dryers, Flotation, Mixers, Reactors, Structural Strenght FEA Analisys Statics and Dynamics, Wear Analisys, Multi Body Dynamics, Heat transfer

Przemysław Dominiczak, PhD. Eng.
Founder & CEO
Przemysław is bringing more than twenty-five years of experience with research and development in mechanical engineering topics particularly in heat transfer and energy conversion applying CAE Techniques.
Before founding e-engineer, Przemysław took roles as a Project Manager and Senior Engineer in European automotive and rail industries focused on Computer Aided Engineering techniques applied in research and development environment. In years 1995-2005 Przemysław served as research fellow at Gdańsk University of Technology in Mechanical Engineering Department and Hochschule Stralsund in Machine Design Department.
Przemysław holds a PhD Eng. in mechanical engineering and machine design from Gdańsk University of Technology and is also graduated at City University London in Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics.
Passionate in sailing, kite surfing and biking.
E-Engineer provides Global Engineering Expert Services on CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) field from Concept Development through Computer Simulations to Workshop Documentatnion.
Finite Element Metod is a result-oriernted numerical technique ready to perform computer analysis of any physical phenomenon,
used as a base to Design of Innovative Solutions.
Linear, Non-Linear, Composite, Contact&Assemblies, Crash, Harmonic&Modal, Buckling, Thermal Multiphisycs
Computational Fluid Dynamics is a product performance virtual simulation technique for industrial equipment with fluids flow mechanics phenomenon.
Multiphase Flow, Heat Transfer, FSI, Combusion, Aerodynamics, Hydrodynamics, Turbomachinery, HVAC
Discrete element Method provides numerical visualistion of bulk materials physical process behaviour; dry, cohesive, nonhomogeneous, with mixing and crushing particles.
DEM +SPH, Mixing, Milling, Crushing, Conveyors, Silos, Bottle Necks Optimisation, Process Scaling, CPU, GPU, MBD, Customisation
Compuer Aided Design is widely accepted very innovative tool for engineering effective design process. PDM Product Data Management Integration included.
2D/3D, Design Table S&I, BOM, GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing), Welding S&C, Metal Sheet Design, Flat Patterns, Assemblies
Safety Engineering
Safety Engineering using CAE techniques for simulate crisis occures phenomenon is best tool to help design products and buildings in safest way. HAZOP, HAZID, LOPA, SIL.
Fire&Smoke Simulations, Temperature, Visibility, Gases Concentration&Dispersion, Flamable&Explisive Iso, EX, Evac, LNG, CNG, H2
Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering is a process based on Scan 3D techniques let engineers to create&refill full scope of technical documentation to any structure in short time.
3D Scan, Power Plant Scanning, Industrial CT Scanning, 3D Visualisations, CAD Data, Quality Control, Retrofit, ROV
Three Particles/CAE Software by Becker3D
E-ENGINEER next to DEM Simulations services activity is Authorised Reseller of high-end DEM Software Three Particle/CAE relased by Becker 3D. There is possibility to our Clients to build own competences in DEM area with Our support. We offer Trainings, Technical and Custom Support.

Three Particle/CAE is The only Multiphysics Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulation platform for bulk materials with complex shapes and built-in MBD, FEA & Fluids in the most comprehensive and powerful environment.
Simulate round and real non-round particle shapes easier than ever before. Mix any shape with any size and simulate it accurately and fast with ThreeParticle/CAE and extended Discrete Element Method (DEM).
Complex Particle Shapes
ThreeParticle/CAE with latest Discrete Element Method (DEM) technology allows you to model advanced particle shapes of any type from simple ones like spheres, multi-spheres, ellipsoids, cylinders, capsules, boxes or cones up to real and accurate shapes from 3D scans. Or combine several shapes to a new one with our unique compound approach.
Multi-core CPU & GPU solver
We are using latest technologies with highest parallelization on Multi-core CPU systems. Large scale Fluid-Solid-Interactions of several million particles can be solved incredible fast on Nvidia GPUs with double precision.
Multi-body dynamics and free motion
Extend your simulation environment to a multi-body dynamics (MBD) system with free body motions and lots of pre-defined constraints to even simulate the most complex mechanical systems. Also Triangle-Triangle contacts between Parts can be solved easily, fast and accurate.
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Sometimes you need to extend particle simulation with fluids or you even want to use fluids with multi-body dynamics. ThreeParticle/CAE allows you to add any kind of fluid to your simulation with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), easily change its parameters and analyze the flow with Post-processing features like surface reconstruction and stream lines.
Finite Element Analysis
Include Finite Element Analysis (FEA) with a few clicks into a simulation and use Static Linear and Non-Linear as well as Dynamic analysis in a single environment. A fully built-in Post-processing is also available to comfortably analyze stresses and strains with ThreeParticle/CAE.
Wear analysis
Analyze surface wear with ThreeParticle/CAE from any contact and get a better insight into wear mechanisms with accurate models to reduce maintenance costs dramatically.
Three Particles CAE by Becker3D
Check out how any engineering discipline can benefit from ThreeParticle/CAE multiphysics CAE software and its capabilities on Becker3D website.
e-engineer assists its Clients to make the designs feasible enhancing the productivity completely. CAE engineering technology brings efficiency in terms of cost and time.
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